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Power of Play—Part 2


Power of Play—Part 2

While many survivors may not have had the opportunity to experience the joys of play as children, it is possible to rediscover play—and its many benefits—as an adult.
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Power of Play—Part 2

While many survivors may not have had the opportunity to experience the joys of play as children, it is possible to rediscover play—and its many benefits—as an adult.
Download this resource (PDF)
Each Saprea Support Group meeting begins with 'Group Leader A' reading the script while participants follow along. The script will be the same for every group meeting. Click here to find the script and get your meeting started. Below you will find the additional meeting materials for this course.

Group Activity

Rediscovering Play

This activity gives you the opportunity to explore what play might look like for you now as an adult. Remember that play is always changing, and what may work for you one day may not work another day. That’s okay. What matters most is finding or rediscovering which activities best meet your needs in the present, including your need to connect, to laugh, to explore and create, and to simply be.

Activity steps


Take some time to reflect on the following questions from the video:

  • What brings me joy and delight?
  • What helps me feel content?
  • What do I enjoy doing?
  • What sounds fun to me?
  • What kinds of play did I enjoy as a child?
  • What makes me laugh?

Write down any ideas or memories that these questions spark. If nothing comes to mind, you might consider new ways to rediscover play as an adult. It might help to review the following list of options from the video as you brainstorm ideas:

  • Take a cooking class.
  • Go for a bike ride.
  • Take an art class with a friend.
  • Play a card game with your family.
  • Go bowling.
  • Tour your city with your partner or family.
  • Attend a dance class.
  • Host a game night with friends or family.
  • Schedule time in a park or at the beach.
  • Play with a pet.
  • Joke with strangers while waiting in line.
  • Go for a hike.
  • Take a yoga class.
  • Go to an amusement park.
  • Sing and dance to an upbeat song.
After writing down some ideas, consider when and how you’d like to try out one of these activities before the next group meeting. Perhaps set a time in your calendar or text someone an invitation to join you. While play is often unstructured, sometimes getting started involves just a little more planning and intention.

Grounding Exercise

Stomp and Clap

This activity utilizes elements of rhythm, play, and movement to help anchor your attention to the present.

Activity Steps


Group Leader A begins by performing a simple stomp-clap combination.

  • Example: Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp.

The rest of the group will then repeat the same stomp-clap combination in unison.

Repeat this back-and-forth dynamic between Group Leader A and the other participants a few times, allowing the group to fall into a natural call-and-response rhythm. 
Next, Group Leader B will start a new stomp-clap combination for the rest of the group to follow.  
Repeat the same call-and-response rhythm from steps 2 and 3.   
Continue the activity for as long as you’d like, allowing other participants the chance to lead the group with their own stomp-clap combinations.   

Hosting Your Meetings Off-Line? Download All of the Materials You Need Here:

Download this resource (PDF)
Download Meeting script (PDF)

Additional Resources

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we invite you to explore these additional resources.