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Power of Play—Part 3 


Power of Play—Part 3 

Play can help you find joy in your everyday life right now, even when you feel that you are unworthy or unable to have such experiences. The more you play, the easier it will be to allow yourself these moments of self-care and childlike wonder in the future.
Download this resource (PDF)


Power of Play—Part 3 

Play can help you find joy in your everyday life right now, even when you feel that you are unworthy or unable to have such experiences. The more you play, the easier it will be to allow yourself these moments of self-care and childlike wonder in the future.
Download this resource (PDF)
Each Saprea Support Group meeting begins with 'Group Leader A' reading the script while participants follow along. The script will be the same for every group meeting. Click here to find the script and get your meeting started. Below you will find the additional meeting materials for this course.

Group Activity

Laughter Yoga

A frequent companion to play, laughter is associated with numerous physical and mental benefits. Among other things, laughter may release “feel good” hormones, improve mood, and even mimics the physiological response of a bout of exercise.

As physical and mental health practitioners explore ways to improve well-being, there is a growing interest in how laughter might be used in treatment—and from that curiosity emerged a form of yoga called “laughter yoga.”

Laughter yoga uses laughing and breathing techniques to recharge the body and mind. In some cases, movement may also be incorporated, but the primary focus is on engaging in intentional laughter intermingled with paced breathing. This may be a new activity for you, and we invite you and your group to follow along with the video; you may find that your laughter moves from feeling awkward to becoming genuine.

Activity steps


We recommend using this 10-minute laughter yoga video. If your group is short on time, you may choose to stop the video before it finishes.

This video can include subtitles. If your group prefers to read along with the verbal instructions, click the CC button on the bottom of the video frame. If your group would like subtitles in a language other than English, click the CC button and then click the settings button (looks like a gear) for options to auto translate into another language. 
Give laughter yoga a sincere try. It will likely feel awkward for the first few minutes, and in the end, you may determine that it isn’t for you. But try it and see if it helps you feel more playful, connected to other group members, or happily tired from a good, hearty belly laugh. 

Grounding Exercise

Stomp and Clap

This activity utilizes elements of rhythm, play, and movement to help anchor your attention to the present.

Activity Steps


Group Leader A begins by performing a simple stomp-clap combination.

  • Example: Stomp, clap, stomp, stomp.

The rest of the group will then repeat the same stomp-clap combination in unison.

Repeat this back-and-forth dynamic between Group Leader A and the other participants a few times, allowing the group to fall into a natural call-and-response rhythm. 
Next, Group Leader B will start a new stomp-clap combination for the rest of the group to follow.  
Repeat the same call-and-response rhythm from steps 2 and 3.   
Continue the activity for as long as you’d like, allowing other participants the chance to lead the group with their own stomp-clap combinations.   

Hosting Your Meetings Off-Line? Download All of the Materials You Need Here:

Download this resource (PDF)
Download Meeting script (PDF)

Additional Resources

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we invite you to explore these additional resources.